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University of Brighton

University of Brighton have been bringing university field courses to the site since 2002

In association with the Earthwatch Institute they have conducted research on a range of endangered species on the site:

  1. The population dynamics of the black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) in game farm ecosystems of  South Africa

  2. Attitudes toward vertebrate scavengers in South Africa's North-West and Gauteng provinces

  3. The impact of dehorning on the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) and the evaluation of novel anti-poaching tactics

  4. Predicting land-use of white rhino using an agent-based model: implications for conservation planning and reserve management (In Progress)

University of Durham

Durham university have been facilitating field courses at Mankwe since 1998. 

Over the years they have had a more focussed research set up at Mankwe, with long term studies being undertaken on a range of research topics:


  1. The importance of the configuration of a burn regime on biodiversity and species utilisation

  2. What factors affect the body condition of African Mammals within a savanna ecosystem.

  3. The effect of burn regime on the invertebrate community within a savanna ecosystem.

  4. Burning savanna for avian species richness and functional diversity

University of Gloucestershire

University of Gloucestershire have a very strong research link to Mankwe, producing numerous papers from short term and long term research on site. 

 Prof. Anne Goodenough, and Prof. Adam Hart have conducted numerous studies on the use of thermal imagery, methodology papers and the effectiveness of citizen science. In recent years they have collaborated with the Nkombi volunteer programme to set up some longer term studies. Some of the key research they have worked on at Mankwe are:


  1. Comparison and optimisation of observation techniques for nocturnal species in a South African savanna

  2. Evaluating veld condition index: How many samples are enough?

  3. Identification of African antelope species: Using thermographic videos to test the efficacy of real-time thermography

  4. Empirically testing the effectiveness of thermal imaging as a tool for identification of large mammals in the African bushveld

  5. Managing grassland for wildlife: The effects of rotational burning on tick presence and abundance in African savannah habitat

Nottingham Trent University

Nottingham Trent University have been bringing students to Mankwe since 2014

Dr Richard Yarnell has been collaboration with Mankwe since his PhD and has set up a focussed long term project which he builds upon each year during his student field courses.


  1. Factors which affect the small mammal community within a South African savanna

  2. Identifying drivers of Cape vulture (Gyps coprotheres) space use in southern Africa

  3. Comparative abundance and ranging behaviour of brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) inside and outside protected areas in South Africa.

  4. The effectiveness of the random encounter model and its future uses in population density estimation of multiple mammal species, using camera trapping. 

Other Research work

  • The impact of higher education field courses on student understanding and perceived importance of ecological research methods within South Africa

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Contact details


+27 83 453 3133 


Social Accounts

Mankwe Reserve   

Nkombi Volunteer Programme

Endangered Rhino Conservation

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